HANOI: Train Street Hanoi – what you need to know in 2024

Hanoi Train Street: An ICONIC experience unique to Hanoi. Train Street has been made famous all over Instagram and Tik Tok by tourists seeking the thrill of sipping local egg coffees while train hurtle past just centimeters away from YOU, the houses, shops, and cafes lining the street.

Hanoi Train Street Hanoi - Best things to do in Hanoi, Vietnam - Your complete guide

Where is Train Street in Hanoi?

Finding Hanoi’s iconic Train Street, can be a little confusing. You will hear lots of differing opinions. The reason for this is because back in 2019, it was banned by the Government and Police, and has periodically been closed on and off since. Even though it has been banned local Cafe owners have found ways around the restrictions.

We visited in late February 2024 and did not have any issues finding and experiencing train street ourselves. Our tour guide explained that there are Two sections of train street in downtown Hanoi.

  1. Lê Duẩn
  2. Old Quarter.

Open pinned locations in Maps

HANOI Train Street Map Hanoi

Lê Duẩn is an easier section to access than the Old Quarter.

In the Old Quarter you basically go in blind. Upon entering the area, you will likely be approached by one of the Cafes staffers, and they will guide you to their Cafe. This ultimately might NOT be exactly what you were expecting or the best seat available.

This is why Lê Duẩn might be the easier choice. You can access it a lot easier and see all the cafes as you walk down. This gives you the option to select the best seating available at the time you arrive.

What to Expect at Train Street Hanoi…

  • Before the train arrives expect to see tourists flocking in, people taking the ultimate train street selfies.
  • About 5 minutes before the train arrives you will see the Cafe owners bringing in chairs, removing tables and flowers and beginning to prepare.
  • They will sound a whistle and instruct everyone how to stay safe and how close the train will come. We were sat side on and told to keep our legs and arms in, it would get that close.
  • As the train approaches it will sound its whistle and the adrenaline rush will be imminent.

The moment the Train arrives….

Is Hanoi Train Street Banned?

Right now, not officially, but reports from our Tour Guide suggested that the Police can come in at any time and close the area off.

Should I visit Train Street with a Tour guide or Self-Guided?

If you want the close seats like we got… then my suggestions is you go with a guide.

We booked a cheap day tour which included Train Street, a famous egg coffee AND the Incense village! BONUS

Our guide had a special relationship with the cafe owners who had reserved us VIP seats right at the front and the closest position to the train.

Our tour:

Hanoi Train Street Schedule:

Below is an image from train street, in February. I would check the train times closer to your travel dates, as they do change.

Nothing is guaranteed, and it can be hard to get a GOOD SEAT. You should aim to arrive an hour before the trains times, unless you book through a local guide like we did!

Times for the Trains at train street Hanoi

Is Train Street Safe?

There is a reason the Government and the Police have tried to close this off, and that is because IT IS DANGEROUS. If you do not follow the rules or act irresponsibly then it can be very dangerous for you and others.

Tips for Visiting

  • ARRIVE early if you want to get a good and front row seat.
  • Avoid weekends as it will be ALOT busier.
  • Try the traditional egg coffee—a Hanoi specialty.
  • Be respectful, as you explore train street, remember that this is not just a tourist attraction— it’s a neighborhood where people live and work.
  • Be safe – Keep yourself and others around you safe by following the rules.

Visiting Train Street in Hanoi is more than just a site to see, it’s an adrenaline rush and glimpse into the lives and heart of Vietnamese culture. Whether you come for the thrill of the passing trains, the delicious egg coffee or local food, or the chance to capture unforgettable moments on camera, Train Street promises a truly memorable experience that encapsulates the spirit of Hanoi. So, grab your camera, your phone its time to visit Train Street Hanoi!

Visiting train street in Hanoi isn’t just a spot on the map, it’s a pulse-racing experience and a peek into the daily life of Vietnamese culture. Whether you’re here for the rush of trains zooming by, the heavenly egg coffee and street eats, or the perfect Instagram shot, train street delivers an unforgettable experience that embodies the spirit of Hanoi. So, grab your camera, your phone it’s time to make tracks to train street Hanoi! 🚂📸

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