Snorkeling Nusa Penida Manta Point

Snorkeling Nusa Penida’s, Manta Point, is a once in a lifetime experience NOT TO BE MISSED! Imagine the rush, swimming alongside a group of giant and graceful mantas, dancing and gliding through the crystal-clear waters off Bali’s Nusa Penida Island.

Manta Point / Bay is located in Nusa Penida, and this snorkeling experience is easily accessible as a day trip by boat from Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan OR from Bali.

Snorkeling Nusa Penida Manta Point
The Savvy Tourist – Snorkeling with Manta Rays at Manta Point Nusa Penida

I have been lucky enough to swim with Mantas in a few different spots around the world and must say that Manta Point in Nusa Penida was one of the easiest spots to snorkel with them. There were LOTS of Mantas in the bay and plenty of opportunities to swim alongside them. We would have spotted and swam with at least 10 Manta Rays on our 2 to 3 hour tour. Plus, you can’t beat the tour prices!

So get ready for a snorkeling experience that will have you hooked from the moment you splash in!

Manta Point isn’t just a snorkeling spot; it’s an experience you will remember and talk about FOREVER!

It’s a VIP pass to hang out with the magnificent manta rays in their playground!

Where is Nusa Penida Manta Point?

Manta Point is located off the southern coast of Nusa Penida and is renowned for its large and consistent population of manta rays. These graceful creatures, frequent the area due to the strong currents that bring lots of plankton.

NOTE: Access to Manta Point/ Bay is by boat and tour guide only. Keep reading for our suggestions.

View of Manta Point Nusa Penida
The Savvy Tourist – Overlooking Manta Point in Nusa Penida

Accessing and Snorkeling Manta Point from Nusa Penida

If you are planning to stay on Nusa Penida, firstly GOOD CHOICE!! It has to be one of our favorite islands near Bali. It has so many highlights that deserve way more than a day tour!

Even though Manta Point is located in Nusa Penida itself, sadly you can’t just jump in off the beach and swim out to the Mantas. You are going to need to arrange a boat and a tour guide to access the bay. Manta Point is surrounded by high cliffs and the only way to get to snorkel with the Mantas is by boat. Plus, the Guides are great at spotting the mantas and knowing the exact locations and putting you in the right spots at the right times.

The good news is TOURS ARE CHEAP!!! Like this one:

Where we stayed in Nusa Penida

Looking for somewhere TRULY MAGICAL to stay in Nusa Penida?

Day Trip to Nusa Penida Manta Point from Nusa Lembongan

Once again, the only way to visit Manta Point is by Boat and Guide. We suggest a tour like the one below that we went on. It included Manta Point and 3 x additional snorkeling spots.

Where to stay in Nusa Lembongan

Day Trip to Nusa Penida Manta Point from Bali

If you lack time to stay on Nusa Lenbongan or Nusa Penida then it is possible to visit Manta Point, and Nusa Pendia from Bali on a day trip. The tour below, travels by speed boat, which normally takes around 40 minutes. This makes sure you get as much time as possible at the snorkeling sites and offers scenic views of the Bali coastline and the surrounding islands along the way.


  • Swimming with Giant Manta Rays at Manta Point Nusa Penida PLUS snorkeling in 4 spots by Nusa Penida and Lembongan!
  • Visit Kelingking cliff (and if time allows Broken Beach and Angel’s Billabong)
  • Lunch with views and infinity pool access
  • Underwater photos and video with no extra charge
  • Use our discount code TRAVELLIVNKLOOK for 10% off your tour

What to expect from the Snorkeling Experience

Manta ray seen Snorkeling Nusa Penida Manta Point
  • Most tours provide snorkeling equipment, fins and expert guides who ensure your safety and maximize your chances of spotting mantas.
  • The water can be deep and currents strong, so it’s advisable to have some snorkeling experience and be a good swimmer.
  • Make sure you follow the guide’s instructions carefully.
  • You may have to swim quickly to follow the Mantas, so use fins.
  • We saw 10-12 within 2-3 hours.

Tips for Snorkeling Manta Point Nusa Penida

  • Maintain a respectful distance from mantas ensure their well-being and safety.
  • Listen to your guide for safety tips and to enhance your snorkeling experience.
  • Ensure you bring your underwater camera to capture the moment.
Mana ray seen Snorkeling Nusa Penida Manta Point

Beyond Snorkeling Manta Point

Beyond Manta Point, Nusa Penida and / or Nusa Lembongan offer a huge variety of other attractions for travelers. Explore secluded and beautiful beaches, hike to stunning viewpoints like Kelingking Beach or Crystal Bay, and immerse yourself in the laid-back island vibes of local villages.

Kelingking Beach Nusa Penida

Snorkeling at Manta Point from Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan or Bali promises an experience that will delight all of your senses.

So, pack your snorkel gear, your sense of adventure, and get ready to meet these magnificent stars of the sea.